10 April 2009

God Passed Over the White House Until Now

Yesterday the news wires reported that President Obama hosted a dinner for family and friends for what is believed to be the first Passover Seder celebrated in the White House.

I was astonished and appalled at this bit of news.

Not that the president hosted a Seder, but that it was the first Seder held in the White House.

After 209 years of existence, why has there not been one single Seder celebrated until now? I congratulate Mr. Obama for sweeping anti-Semitism out of the White House and embracing the wonderful diversity of his constituents.



Renee said...

I agree Susan. When I first read you were appalled. I was like, okay, I guess I don't love her blog. But then I kept reading.

I do love your blog by the way.

Renee xoxo

Truman Carr said...

Ha, sorry about that Renee. It comes from writing fiction for decades, always got to add a little bit of drama into it.


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